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JS-to-HTML Syntax highlighter
I stumbled upon sugar-high, a lightweight JSX syntax highlighter, project on github. Since I have time on my hands, I thought why not go through the source code and try to implement a similar syntax highlighter myself. I wrote the tokenizer and implemented a simple JSHighlighter component. The final outcome is far from perfect and I can already imagine how much work it would be to implement a full fledged one like in a code editor.
Result 1
This is an example of the syntax highlighting on the tokenizer code itself.
import { ValidIdentifierContinue, ValidIdentifierStart, Keywords, T_IDENTIFIER, Whitespace, T_WHITESPACE, T_LINEBREAK, T_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT, T_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT, Puncuators, T_PUNCTUATOR, T_KEYWORD, T_STRING, T_NUMERIC, } from "./tokenizer.constants"; function isIdentifierContinue(codePoint) { if (ValidIdentifierContinue.has(codePoint)) { return true; } // All ASCII identifier start code points are listed above if (codePoint 0x7f) { return false; } // ZWNJ and ZWJ are allowed in identifiers if (codePoint == 0x200c || codePoint == 0x200d) { return true; } return false; } export function tokenize(code) { const tokens = []; let i = 0; let __strTemplateExprStack = 0; let __strTemplateQuoteStack = 0; const inStrTemplateLiterals = () = __strTemplateQuoteStack __strTemplateExprStack; const inStrTemplateExpr = () = __strTemplateQuoteStack 0 && __strTemplateQuoteStack === __strTemplateExprStack; const scanTemplateString = () = { const start = i; let end = i + 1; while (true) { if (code[end] === "$" && code[end + 1] === "{") { __strTemplateExprStack++; end--; break; } if (code[end] === "`") { __strTemplateQuoteStack--; break; } end++; } tokens.push({ type: T_STRING, value: code.slice(start, end + 1), }); i = end + 1; }; while (i code.length) { const char = code[i]; if (inStrTemplateLiterals()) { if (char === "`") { __strTemplateQuoteStack--; tokens.push({ type: T_STRING, value: "`", }); i++; continue; } scanTemplateString(); continue; } if (char === "`") { __strTemplateQuoteStack++; scanTemplateString(); continue; } if (Whitespace.has(char)) { const start = i; let end = i + 1; while (Whitespace.has(code[end])) { end++; } tokens.push({ type: T_WHITESPACE, value: code.slice(start, end), }); i = end; continue; } if (char === "\n") { tokens.push({ type: T_LINEBREAK, value: char, }); i++; continue; } if (char === "/") { const nextChar = code[i + 1]; if (nextChar === "/") { const start = i; let end = i + 1; while (code[end] !== "\n") { end++; } tokens.push({ type: T_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT, value: code.slice(start, end), }); i = end; continue; } if (nextChar === "*") { const start = i; let end = i + 1; while (code[end] !== "*" || code[end + 1] !== "/") { end++; } tokens.push({ type: T_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT, value: code.slice(start, end + 2), }); i = end + 2; continue; } } if (char === "'" || char === '"') { const start = i; let end = i + 1; while (code[end] !== char) { end++; } tokens.push({ type: T_STRING, value: code.slice(start, end + 1), }); i = end + 1; continue; } if (Puncuators.has(char)) { if (inStrTemplateExpr() && char === "}") { __strTemplateExprStack--; } tokens.push({ type: T_PUNCTUATOR, value: char, }); i++; continue; } if (ValidIdentifierStart.has(char)) { const start = i; let end = i + 1; while (isIdentifierContinue(code[end])) { end++; } const identifier = code.slice(start, end); const type = Keywords.has(identifier) ? T_KEYWORD : T_IDENTIFIER; tokens.push({ type, value: identifier }); i = end; continue; } if (/\d/.test(char)) { const start = i; let end = i + 1; while (/[1-9a-z_]/.test(code[end])) { end++; } tokens.push({ type: T_NUMERIC, value: code.slice(start, end), }); i = end; continue; } i++; } return tokens; }
Result 2
Another example with string templates.
`Hello ${lol + 'banana'} 7 ${`bye bye` + "pineapple"}`;
Result 3
Last example with multiline comments.
* This is a multi-line JavaScript comment